August 12, 2020
ONALASKA, WI – Champions Reunion XII will once again be a part of the Oktoberfest Racing
Weekend at La Crosse Fairgrounds Speedway, West Salem, WI., October 4-11, 2020. The event continues
to grow in stature and this year promises more of the same.

The event will be held in the Hospitality Chalet in turn one of the Speedway, from 11am-2pm,
Sunday, October, 11th, and is open to any past Series, Track, or Oktoberfest Champion, in any Division of
racing, that has not competed in the last three years. Race promoters from the past are also invited to attend.

The Reunion attendees have been like a who’s who in racing with numerous celebrity drivers on
hand through the years. Dick Trickle, Al Schill, Marv Marzofka, Dick Graves, Mike Demars, Tom Reffner,
Mike Miller, Jim Hendricks, Ron Waite, Skip Polack, Gary and Mike Stein, La Vern Grandal, Bruce
Backus, Tom Carlson, Roy Bohm, John Bell, Ray Kreyer, Rory Melbinger, Paul Thicke, Kevin Stepan,
Gary Back, and John Ziegler, are just a small sampling of those who have attended. Promoter and the main
push behind the effort to pave the track for asphalt racing back in 1970, Larry Wehrs makes a point to
attend every year as well. A similar turnout is expected in 2020 with upwards of 50 Champions on hand. In
addition, numerous old time race cars from several eras of racing will be on display.

The event also serves as an opportunity for fans to visit the great racers from days gone by, as
they are admitted to the event free with a Sunday race ticket. Along with the display of cars, other items of
interest such as Photos, exhibits, and memorabilia will be on display to enjoy.
Drivers and racing Promoters wishing to attend need to contact event co-coordinator Dale P.
Danielski at email address, on the Champions Reunion XII event
FACEBOOK page, or by calling 715-344-9072, or 608-518-2478. A list of the Champions indicating they
will be attending will be at the main grandstand ticket gate entrance, where an arm band will be issued
allowing admittance. Champion drivers and promoters will also be treated to food and beverage during the
We thank everyone in advance for attending and hope this the 12th edition of Champions Reunion
as well as all the activities surrounding the great Oktoberfest happening, are enjoyable for everyone.