Save time when you get to the speedway for Oktoberfest this year. The convenience of purchasing your pit pass is as simple as downloading the Pit Pay app on your Apple or Android device! Simply present the QR Code to the registration personal and you are set to go!
When signing in with Pit Pay, please go to the Registration desk. On Wednesday and Sunday of Oktoberfest Race Weekend the Registration desk is located at the Pit Gate near the crossover. For Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the Registration desk is located in the Youth 4H Building across from the Exhibition Hall.
Single day and multi-day bands are available in the Pit Pay app for the entire duration of the 55th Oktoberfest Race Weekend OCT 3-4-5-6, 2024.
Passes on Sale
Single Day Bands
Wednesday Pit Pass $15
Thursday Pit Pass $30
Friday Pit Pass $40
Saturday Pit Pass $40
Sunday Pit Pass $40
Multi Day Bands
Wed-Sun $125
Thur-Sun $125
Fri-Sun $100
Sat-Sun $70
Fri-Sat $70
Thur-Fri $60
55th Oktoberfest Fan Guide: https://oktoberfestraceweekend.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024-FEST-FAN-GUIDE-web.1.pdf
55th Oktoberfest Competitor Guide: https://oktoberfestraceweekend.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/55th-Oktoberfest-Race-Weekend-Competitor-Guide-9-6-2024.pdf
Oktoberfest Race Weekend is a tradition in the Midwest since 1970! Four Days of Stock Car Racing, Legendary After Race Parties, Special Challenge Races, Super Late Models, The FAMOUS Camper Village, and over 700 laps of feature racing action! Make you plans now to attend!
For more information, please visit oktoberfestraceweekend.com.